3 easy ways to kick the carb habit

3 easy ways to kick the carb habit

If you're on the keto diet, you know that carbs are off-limits. But what can you do when you still want some carbs in your life? Luckily there are plenty of low-carb substitutes for your favorite foods! Keep reading and we'll share three easy ways to kick the carb habit for good.

1) Replace white rice with cauliflower rice

When you're craving rice, cauliflower is a great replacement. You can make your own by grating it and then frying in oil or even buy pre-made from the store!

Cauliflower is high in fiber which helps with cravings. Cauliflower also has a neutral taste so it's easy to disguise and mix with other ingredients.

2) Swap pizza crust with fathead dough

Fathead dough is made from almond flour--which makes for an incredibly light yet crispy texture! Paired with my favorite toppings like pepperoni and mozzarella cheese, this keto meal will be the perfect quick fix on hectic weeknights. Try this recipe here.

3) Switch your bread for a lettuce wrap 

The next time you feel like grabbing a burger or a sandwich, switch out the bread for some lettuce. I use lettuce wraps for sandwiches and burgers all the time and it's really good. It helps to make your keto diet feel more like the real thing. Make sure to add yummy fats like cheese, mayo and avocado for a meal that's both indulgent and low carb. 

As you can see, there are plenty of carb alternatives that can be swapped into your meals without compromising the taste or texture you crave most.

What's your favorite go-to swap?


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash